Here's what some of our satisfied customers have to say:
"My husband had I just wanted to share about our latest oil success!
We live on a farm, so bugs and spiders of all sorts live among us in abundance. One particular pesky problem was getting just too gross, and something had to be done! Everyday when we would walk out to the mailbox and open up the front, it would be crawling with earwigs! We would sweep them out everyday with a little broom and send them flying, but they were just too happy in there, and told all their friends and family to come and live in this mailbox!
With summer upon us, there have been lots of postings about those great essential oils that work so well on insects, etc. I don't know why it took me so long to make the connection, but I remembered about that great oil, Peppermint, and promptly put two drops in the back of the box and shut the door.
It's now been 3 days since the Peppermint oil went in, and there is NO TRACE of not even 1 earwig! It was just too much for the clan, so they just packed up, said "I'm outta here", and went elsewhere, much to our's and the postman's delight!
We're now wondering what some Peppermint water will do when poured down those pesky gopher holes..................
Have a great summer!
- Audrey Miller
Lemon Oil:
"My husband had just painted our front door frame, and I brushed up against it leaving the house. However, I didn't realize the amount of white paint on the back of my black down vest until the office manager pointed it out. The paint had dried by then.
I remembered reading about lemon oil and decided to use it on my vest to remove the oil-based paint. Miraculously all the paint was removed. My husband and I were amazed! I am a firm believer in Essential Oils."
Rosina Yue — Nevada
Peace & Calming:
"Our little Tibetan Terrier slipped and fell into our swimming pool. Her companion terrier barked frantically alerting us. We got her out and began to dry her coat and warm her, as the water was about 40° F. She was trembling uncontrollably from the experience.
After about 45 minutes, she was dry, and warm, but still trembling. The little male terrier was very upset as well. My husband and I were upset by the incident and decided to apply Peace & Calming. We wondered if Peace & Calming would help the dogs. We applied it to the base of their skulls and in about two minutes they were both sleeping peacefully."
Brenda McBride — California
Lavender Oil:
While I was on vacation I walked on "boiling" hot sand at at the beach and I exposed my skin for over several hours. I had acquired blisters on my feet from the hot sand. I rubbed lavendar oil on my feet twice before bed, and spritzed my skin with lavender oil. By the next morning the blisters and the pain was gone! I had no further discomfort."
Debbie Allen, CNHP — Denver, Colorado
Beverlee Jones submitted the following tip:
“My husband is a Jeep tour guide. Often after a really busy day, he continues giving his tour guide speech while he is asleep. I've found that two drops of lavender essential oil on each of his big toes stops the talking immediately. I've also noticed he isn't snoring as much as he used to!”
(This tip comes directly from a distributor and is passed on to you. The Young Living Essential oil Company assumes no liability for any damage caused by use of this tip.)
Thieves and Bergamot:
"I received a puncture wound on my left foot. After three days of applying Thieves and Bergamot, it was well enough to where I was not stepping lightly on that foot! I don’t know how deep the puncture was, but it was bad enough to bleed well and make a swelled lump inch around it. I work as a machinist and am on my feet all day. Thank God for the natural oils that you make!"
Michael Morris —Arkansas
Ultra Young:
"I started using the Ultra Young about 5 weeks ago. So far I have heard comments like "less wrinkles," "younger looking," "fuller head of hair," "loosing weight," "great skin," all from people asking me what I was doing different. I have seen for myself firmer muscles, much more energy and the need for about 2.5 hours less sleep a night. I can run on full steam from eyes open to eyes shut with little or no fatigue. The funny thing is I know my liver is not as clean as it should be right now, so I am excited to see what will happen when I completely detoxify and the Ultra Young is getting totally used by my body."
Pam Williams — Texas
Sulfurzyme, Power Meal, and Ultra Young:
"The first information I sought was how to handle fatigue. I read about Sulfurzyme, Power Meal,Ultra Young, and several of the oils. I decided to get started. I put lavender on my feet the first night and it worked like a charm. I started talking Sulfurzymeand spraying Ultra Young and I began to notice the cobwebs in my mind clearing out about five days after my first use."
Debra Bouziden — Oklahoma
Motivationand Abundance:
"Three weeks ago I started inhaling Young Living Essential Motivation Oil and Young Living EssentialAbundance Oil. After dragging my feet for the last three years about calling people and really wanted to work my networking business. Now I am happily passing out flyers in park and ride lots, writing letters to my associates, calling people, doing two to three presentations per week, and I am feeling determined to make this business work! I feel strongly that the Young Living Essential Motivation Oil has made the big difference in my attitude. I am not passive anymore. Yeah!"
Phyllis Franks — Washington
Lavender Shampoo:
"My husband underwent radiation treatments in 1991. His hair fell out and his beard began growing sparsely during those treatments and never fully recovered. Since using the Young Living Lavender Shampoo his hair has begun growing again, without any gray in it." - Cathi Dillard — Oregon
"I've never seen anything like YoungLiving or its products---and I have seen almost everything. As a senior advisor to Weider International's Muscle & Fitness magazine, I've tried virtually every protein bar and drink on the market during the last 20 years. Without a doubt, Young Living's products and commitment to health are in a class of their own, especially the essential oils, Power Meal, and Wolfberry Bars."
Dr. Robert Delmonteque
Senior Medical Advisor to Muscle & Fitness and Journal of Longevity Research
"Young Living is a company with heart and soul and genuine compassion--a true rarity today. Young Living's products have made a tremendous difference in my travels. Essential oil blends like PanAway have sometimes been the only thing that have kept me going on my walks. These oils are my secret weapon." - Danny Garcia
Crusader for International Peace
"As a chiropractor, I believe that the dramatic results of Raindrop Technique are enough for me to rewrite the books on scoliosis. As we continue to unravel the science of how oils influence the body and spine, we will rewrite the present mechanical science of neurology. In its place will be a complete system that blends the nervous system, immune system, emotions, and structure of the body." Ken Krieger, D.C.
"To be able to certify completely the high grade of his oils, Gary Young has taken the ultimate step: he has developed his own farms and his own distillation techniques to guarantee the top quality he seeks. He has become a true pioneer in developing these operations in the United States. I wish everyone could see firsthand the Young Living aromatic farms." Daniel Penoel, M.D.
Author of L'aromatherapie exactement and Natural Home Health Care with Essential Oils
"The results that Young Living products have produced in myself--and others--are truly spectacular. Thanks to energizers like ComforTone, Megazyme, Thyromin, and the essential oils, my energy levels have soared, my weight has dropped, and my body now runs like a Swiss watch--something I have never before experienced. Better yet, the products are so good that they sell themselves. They literally draw people to me." Romy Seleznov
Two-time Winner of Ms. Fitness Arizona
"During my 13 years in the fitness and nutrition industry, I have provided nutritional counseling for many professional and amateur athletes. I demand that my clients use supplements to reach their athletic goals. I can honestly say that the Young Living products are second to none. They are simply the best that this industry has to offer. Knowing Gary Young, I expect nothing less!" Paul Tidwell
Director, Young Lifestyles Fitness Center
"I am very inspired by the incredible quality and depth of Young Living products and what they can do to help women become healthy and vibrant and an unstoppable force for change on this planet." Carolyn De Marco, M.D.
Women's Health Advisor and Author of "Take Charge of Your Body"
"Young Living offers health solutions found nowhere else on earth. These essential oils truly represent the new frontier of medicine; they have resolved cases that many professionals had regarded as hopeless." Terry Friedmann, M.D.
Cofounder of American Holistic Medical Association
"Young Living is at the cutting-edge of alternative health science. Just one product--Sulfurzyme--has the potential to produce results that will far surpass that of traditional formulations. This is just one product of Young Living's that I intend to make a central part of my clinical practice." Ronald Lawrence, M.D.
Executive Director, Council on Natural Nutrition
"At Young Living every phase of production, from planting and harvesting to distillation and packaging, is meticulously governed by Dr. Gary Young. He is the most knowledgeable expert on the use of essential oils I have ever known. As a practicing naturopathic physician, I can attest to the tremendous nutritive, cleansing, and recuperative powers of Young Living products." Christopher J. Fabricius, N.D.
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